Functional Lipidomics
Core Leader: Xianlin Han, PhD; Co-Leader: Meixia Pan, MD, PhD
The Lipidomics Core enables investigators to uncover alterations in lipid metabolism, homeostasis, signaling, and transport, and aim to provide insights into molecular mechanisms relevant to genetic and/or environmental changes and/or under disease and health conditions. The Lipidomics Core provides intellectual and technical collaborative support as well as non-collaborative fee-for-service to the scientific community on lipidomics analysis of any type of biological samples such as body fluids, tissue samples, cell cultures, and membrane/organelle fractions. The Core provides quantitative analysis of individual lipid molecular species of approximately 50 lipid classes (see the list of lipid classes and price) using an enabling and innovative multi-dimensional mass spectrometry-based shotgun lipidomics technology (Analytical Chemistry 81 (2009), 4356-4368; Methods in Molecular Biology 1198 (2014), 203-220). The reproducibility and accuracy of analysis is approximately 90 to 95%, depending on lipid classes and the abundance of individual lipid species (Mass Spectrometry 22 (2008), 2115-2124). The analysis of lipid concentrations is normalized to a relatively stable parameter such as protein content, wet or dry weight, RNA level, fluid volume, etc. according to the investigators’ demands. The Core also provides expertise and assistance to investigators in the design and execution of experiments, as well as data processing and interpretation of lipidomics analysis.
Please contact the Core Leaders for more information about experimental designs and sample preparation: