Aging Animal Models and Longevity Assessment Core Publishes First Study with Oral Form of Rapamycin

rapamycin-news-storyThe Aging Animal Models and Longevity Assessment Core published the first study to demonstrate that long-term oral, daily dosing with the anti-aging drug, rapamycin, is well tolerated in a non-human primate and modulates mTOR signaling. The ability to rapidly and reliably dose socially housed marmosets with an oral form of rapamycin that is well tolerated and that demonstrates a suppression of the mammalian target of rapamycin pathway leads us to conclude that this species offers a viable model for rapamycin testing to establish safety and efficacy for long-term antiaging intervention. Marmosets – as one of the smallest and shortest-lived monkeys – offer many advantages as an aging model and planned studies will now determine the whether rapamycin does extend lifespan and healthspan in this preclinical model. Contact Suzette Tardif, Ph.D. ( for more information on using the San Antonio Nathan Shock Center for your Marmoset studies.

This work was conducted with the support of the San Antonio Nathan Shock Center, the Barshop Institute and the Southwest National Primate Research Center.

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